Imagine a world where the prehistoric infamous dinosaurs rule the world and as they roam they make the very ground that their giant huge feet stomp on thier kingdom,and as they rule the earth they become adjusted to the beautiful nature,but unfortunately for these majestic creatures man started to enter their domain,building on top of the grass on which they tred on where they drink as well as eat slowly and soon these beautiful creatures end up imprisoned inside of fences and experiemented on by scientists who out of curiousity want to understand their nature on the reason of the dinosaurs existence more clearly,eventually they end up learning how to adapt along with survive among side of the dinosaurs letting bot human and dinosaur reside in peace amongst themselves as they find them a valuable resource of life just like themselves,and before you step into this beautiful kingdom you view a beautiful aquarium that holds many ancient prehistoric fish ,each tank spread a story of the infamous prehistoric fish that had once swam among the duskey murky waters,and to your surprise just a floor below you find yourself viewing their world through their eyes in a long hallway just under the water,once you have seen the beautiful underwater world that the prehistoric fish had once roamed in swimming a long history across the waters,you find yourself at a watering hole that you could dive into to explore the waters tempature as well as interact with the prehistoric fish,finally you end up hungrey so you along with your family stop to fill your hunger thats just large enough to match the craving hunger of a T-rex where you's eat delicious food quanching that hunger before exploring once more to ride amongst the airs in a air balloon ride as yous glide above the beautiful world viewing yet admiring how the humans and dinosaurs have adapted over the ages and as you do you are breathless to the beautiful scenery around you's,once you's have finished learning on how both humans and dinosaurs have adapted in co harmony you's head home dwelling in thoughts on how much both dinosaurs and mankind have peacefully co existed amongst eachother with an excitment that you had the ability to learn about thier journeys.
🎀Your Taxi To The Jurasstic Kingdom:
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