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About Rainbowtot (My Story)

ℓσνє уσυя ѕσυℓ αη∂ ℓєт gσ σƒ тнє ραѕт. ραѕт ραιη ιѕ кєєριηg уσυ ιη ραιη. уσυ ∂ση'т нανє тσ ∂єтєяισяαтє– нαявнαנαη ѕιηgн уσgι

At one point evreyone has lived a different story,a different life,or a different background on where they all come from in real,and thier story,this is my story,

It all started with a happy go lucky carefree childhood,i was a very healthy baby that came out into the world weighing only 6 pounds and 7 ounces just like evrey other child would,but i was a lot different from children,in real as i grew to schoolhood age i would be the kid that was always pushed to the sidelines by her other classmates just because they thought my disabilitys were "weird" soon it had become a habit to call me a retard because my speech was slurred due to my autism,soon the school set up private groups between me and other speech delayed students where we tryed to make friends with others with disabilitys,i was put in special ed classes,on the side i tryed to join activities to be more involved with kids,in my moms hopes that i would make friends,so i ended up trying soccer,but unfortunately for me i was too princessy so i did ballet twirls on the field,after that my team kicked me,but they gave me the trophy that my team had won,as an apology because not only was i that little ballet princess doing leaps across the field but i was also really sick,the doctors and my parents had always been severely worried about my health,because i would get pale and shakey,and i would start to throw up,by the time i got into middle school certain kids that were also isolated started to hang out with me,they grew protective of me,instantly,it wasnt until then that i discovered that i could try my best to make friends even though i was this shy socially awkward person,but as i had gotten older so did my parents,my mom was battling her health in secret ever since i had been a baby,she was told she had cancer,after that it was endless fighting,at the same time my uncle had been homeless with his ex wife and thier three children,my cousins,however the two cousins i was most close to was my cousin lisa and her sister laurel,who i completely adored and had by my side during evrey moment,we were the thick of thieves all three of us,sometimes the fighting between my parents got bad to where things ended up broken so we got taken over to my grandparents house,while my parents tryed to calm down,my dad however he constantly struggled with his disabilities,he was out working when he thought he heard the sound of a gunshot,he completely ended up breaking down he thought that i was hurt,that my mom had been,so he ended up going into the crisis center,until he was better,he ended up losing his job,and getting fired,so he had to try to get his old job at our local K-mart back.

When i went to school my teachers were super understanding of my situation at home,they had noticed sometimes i had came to school with lice,or that i had sometimes was upset,to where i started to emotionally let my feelings over my parents fighting take control of me,so sometimes they would let me leave classes early,so i could get to the bus,because i often kept getting left behind or forgotten,sometimes they let me stay after school during accidental detentions and they would let me read a book,and take some books home to my cousin who was in the grades below me,then i started to get sick,i ended up having fainting spells,evreytime we would go to the hospital the doctors could never figure out why i was collapsing or screaming in pain,still not figuring it out,they sent me home,but through the duration i kept getting severely worse to where i had two cases of pneumonia twice,and following after that my mom ended up being hospitalized and having to recieve chemo because she couldnt get out of bed a lot,she was too weak to move and always groaned in pain ,and bled out in large amounts,because her Endometrial Cancer had gotten worse so she was frequently hospitalized or in the hospital while my mom was recovering after she came home our neighbors had decided to go all Karen at us and they decided to throw dog poop in our yard and they let thier dog attack my dog through the fence,threatening to lie to get our dog taken away,after a bad storm they got nosey because  lightening had struck a tree in our back yard,my dog being too energized wouldnt come in for me,and the tree had came crashing down just as i had managed to get the dog inside of the house,if it werent for the tarp that had been protecting me and my dog Spunky i would have been dead,after they sent people to investigate animal abuse and seeing none they left,after apologizing to me and my family,soon it become hard to get food after my dad left work,it was a struggle,i was not able to get toys,or even have a christmas so toys for tots or other charitys brought us food,clothing,and toys,they helped save our lives,we had no warm water, soon after my immune system was easily getting me sick,which had my parents worried about me,and during that my aunt ran off on my uncle,leaving behind him and his kids,so my uncle and my two cousins ended up moving out while my aunt took my other cousin david with her,so we were basically all alone in the cold nights of winter,heated up by a heater and two blankets,sometimes i had to wear doubled layers of clothing to keep warm,at the same time my dad was cheating on my mom with women from another site,who didn't respect me as his daughter,or my mom too,so i would just cry at night,and pray that my life would get better,in secret,because i was afraid to tell them how i felt without making things worser.

By the time i had made it into highshool life was still hard for me,i spent my last year of sophomore year with my grandmother who lived in another district,and after the divorce me and my mom were kicked out to the curb in the pouring rain with our luggage,my  dad was still trying to move the tree that had been struck down,it took him a very long time to move it because it was so big he had to go piece by piece,so he had to cut it and do it slowly one at a time where our neighbors wouldnt complain about it,my mom still was struggling with her health,but she was trying to adapt to evreything scents like the smell of chocolate coco or polar express would make her cry and mentally remind her of her Cancer,but she was getting better and her chemo had passed through,soon thier was no cancer detected in her body,sometimes i visited my dad and he would act like i wasnt even his child anymore,my mom had been forced to stay with a family friend,while i was forced to stay with my gran,i havent seen my mom for  nearly an year because my dad and grandparents were giving her a hard time and threatening to trash our fruniture and our belongings so it took a long time for her to box up evreything and get our stuff out of the house,eventually my sophomore year had ended,my grandmother had ended up in tears,because i was taking on a new chapter and i wasnt going to be with her anymore,through this i was still taking falls but when i would my gran  would keep me home in case that way going to school wouldnt be so hard for her,and it made it easier for her and my mom when i was sick so id stay with my grandpa while my grandmother would help my mom move stuff,soon they got done moving evreything and evreything was boxed up,and soon i was in another house,as soon as my mom took one look at me,she broke down crying and held me for a long time,and i cryed too i almost forgot how hurt i was inside in that moment and i just cryed it out as we held on to eachother,soon after summer break i was enrolled into my new  school,the enemy school district of my old school,it was hard to make friends because people were more hard lifed there and they would threaten me and warn me to not say where i came from or i would get jumped,i was in the same school as our family friends  foster son and  her nephew,and as well as my cousin Lisa who apparently was back in the same school as me again,which i had found ironic,and the cousin of my best friend from my previous school who looked out for me,however the school years there through my Junior and Senior year were chaotic because my mentally 8 year old cousin who was younger than me mentally,and physically,she was being bullied ,her friend often tryed to get people to beat up on her and tryed to involve her into rumors,so i often stuck up for her,and stood my ground to bullys,and it almost landed me to get jumped by three girls in the middle of the cafeteria,but protecting my cousin when she was not the one causing trouble was well worth it,on top of that my aunts foster son was stealing objects and money around the house,and he was spreading rumors about me,which made boys get really mean to me,and threaten to hurt me,so his friend reached out and stuck up for me he told his foster mom that hes been lying to kids at school about me,soon after she found he had stolen her wedding ring from her deceased husband along with 400 in cash,so he was kicked out,she told him he had to move his things out,i accidentally ran into him and he pushed me into a wall and nearly made me hit my head,when i screamed my mom came down,she made him stop and told him to leave after she found him holding me by my neck with his fist raised to hit me,soon he wasnt allowed to step foot into the house at all after that,after i talked about it in school a lot apologized for making my school years torture and hard for me,they even started to smile at me,which i didnt know how to respond to except smile  back at them,soon i was graduating before i knew it ,and soon i was moving out once again to the Carolina's where me and my mom would be staying with my uncle.

As soon as we got down to the carolinas  the first drive was long and tiring but by the time i had gotten used to it ,it didnt seem as tiring anymore,me,my mom,and my uncle lived in complex,so we had trouble with net sometimes,or we had trouble with roaches,getting used to the wildlife was different for me as well because i never had seen a snake before,until i saw one casually snoozing on the sidewalk,the woman behind me however was not so lucky  because she stepped on the snake and then she screamed and flung it,out of suprise and fear,and me having never encountered a snake before just went into my house all fine and dandy and tryed to ignore the fact that i had my first encounter with a snake,and i was wideyed,sometimes i had to cross the parking lot just to throw away the trash,and one day while doing so i found a litter of stray kittens hidden away inside of a bush,after i found them i went to tell the complex managers to get the kittens helped ,they were all alone with no mother to be seen,so the complex manager put up a sign,and eventually the kittens  were saved and brought to an animal rescue where they would find homes,then after a few years of being in the complex,the complex kicked us  out,with no warning,leaving us forced to find a new home once again.

Once we found the home we thought it would be forever,my grandparents had even moved down to live with us bringing thier three rescue animals(Now two because unfortunately the black and white one passed away later on),life was normal,it seemed evreything was finally livable,except for ocassional house hauntings that were happening,and the jewelery box opening and closing on its own,or very frightening apparations,evreything had seemed fine,until i got assualted,then it wasnt,i mentally tryed to heal and move on past my experience ,emotionally and physically,i didnt realize how much it could physcially hurt me,to be assualted in my own room,my own safe place,my mom and grandmother were  there as soon as it happened they let me cry it out they believed me instantly because ive been hiding it after it happened,but after i couldnt seem to function it was like after i had trouble with myself,i was a robot full of no emotion trying to conprehend that ive been hurt badly,but i wanted to pretend like it didnt exist,my grandfather kept falling ill,he ended up taking the turn for the worst in the hospital a lot,my gran tryed to bring in money,so did my uncle,but eventually my grandfather ended up passing away,soon after we got a eviction notice out of nowhere,telling us that we had to leave,so once more we were packing up our things,this time bringing three animals,without my grandfather to be with us,we were moving as fast as we could but the landlords family kept getting in our way they wouldnt let us move our things,or even work on our moving  and she gave us a week which we had been following,but she suddenly had a change of "heart" and went Karen at us and threatened us to leave now,locked me inside of the garage with our animals and tryed to hold me captive as she called the cops,she threatened to illegally sell our things and held a open house in the middle of our moving, she wouldnt let me out of the garage and she kept chasing our dog trying to get our dog to bite her with her family,my mom had been  trying to move our fruniture into storage when it happened and book a hotel room in a all pet friendly hotel,but ignoring it the landlord  decided to attack us instead,threatening me with a gun including my family and she had lied to police she knew using misuse of authority,eventually my mom and gran came  and they asked why i was locked inside i was screaming and crying when they finally let me out and i told them to get our things fast because they were talking about selling our stuff,more cops showed up misusing authority to the familys aid,she had been trying to illegally buy out the house for her own family to live in ,gloating about them having another house in another area,so i told the police what she did,later at night we got the rest of our things after we waited for the neighbors to help keep watch out of the garage safely,and with that we were trying to book into the hotel,however when we got to the hotel they said we couldnt pay with money and had to use card only,so me and my mom and grandmother had to sleep in our old house,for one more night,after driving around in all directions places either had no pet signs or wouldnt accept my grandmothers dog Kira,so we had to turn around and stay in the house for one more night,sleeping on left over fruniture,or on the cold uncomfortable floors,as soon as we woke  up we set off looking for the hotel ,when all hope seemed lost and we were living in the car for a week looking,my grandmothers work suprised us with donations,they paid for our hotel room and gave us money for food,we were able to book inside of the hotel room,it gave us not only a warm place to stay with the tempatures dropping at night,but it also gave us hope,which we thought was lost,once in we dragged a few things from home like our plants some books and clothing to make ourselves feel comforted in the hopes that we would have a home once more,we spent several months living in the hotel,and during a call with my dad my grandmother on his side disowned me,on top of that i ended up getting sick ,it was all a blur really i ended up vomitting and  turning grey ,i couldnt keep awake and i couldnt walk,so soon i was in the hospital i spent a few days connected to ivs with an oxygen mask on ,and i was under full code blue,because my breathing kept dropping,while i was there they found my gallbladder was bad,and that i needed to get it removed,so when i got out i started to eat healthier,trying my best to keep control of my gallbladder with the diet my doctors told me to use,i was not able to get therapey for my trauma even still because people would say they cant work with autism and trauma,so we still fought for me to get therapey,there was no luck with evrey place it was the same so my mom said it looks like noone  wants to help you after all of what those people did to you,i tryed to reassure her that it was fine but she said you were so scared you were having accidents and peeing,you wouldnt eat or talk that is not fine,i said i knew and i reassured her that i will start eating again,so to make her happy i started to eat again,being careful of my gallbladder,after i had gotten out of the hospital when i was trying to adjust to walking after being sick,i ran into the stray cat that had been abandoned and left at the hotel my grandmother and me had been feeding her ever since we had arrived even if we had little food,and as if by magic,when i called her cloudy she looked up at me,sick or not,i slowly walked over to her,and she looked at me,and i knew since that day she was the cat i've dreamed of having,so after we found our new house,my heart was set large,and in her cage asleep after crying herself out was my brand new cat,who not only helped me heal and walk again but also became my best friend and my emotional companion to this very day,soon we all were heading to our final home,where for a few more years we would stay until we can make it into our forever home,no matter even if another situation had happened this time,i had my purpose,and my reason to keep going right here in fur,and i was finally able to overcome through my trauma,i cant imagine where i would be without my kitten right here cuddling up to me,and now i have come to peace with my trauma,no matter what happens i know that now i can get through it because now i have my kitten through it,and i have others to help me through it,who love me,shes here through evrey seizure,and through evrey emotional encounter i have,through any trauma relapses and shes here for me thick and thin.

Currently i still struggle with heat,electric,and food,as well as my health i got diagnosed with Cerebal Palsy,and i ended up thankfully having a surgery to prevent the same fate of my mom the doctors had spotted Endometriosis and that i had been bleeding internally,they run frequent cancer tests as well to try to find out why i am getting so sick a lot,but i slowly try to strive past it along with my family,even when i am in deepest need,i never ask for help,even if things are bad for me,not all fairytales have good,i know that even though things are hard,i can create happiness past the hard days,even if the storms are too much to bear,despite i took on trying to finance money trying to gain twitch followers in the hopes that i can feed myself and my family,even though i struggle with so many things,theres always sunshine and love that i pour out evreytime i go on to secondlife to help others,and it makes my bad days go away when i do something good for others,even if i am in tears,or i feel low on energy because things around me drain me,i always keep holding on to a postive outlook about my life and not to let my worrys or struggles affect the way others see me online or real,i learned to become the sunshine and the light to people,and to be thier hope and thier inspiration,thats why i love to be thier Angel when they need me,at the same time i am currently actively fighting to protect my cousins daughter because my cousin fell into the path of sex traffickers,and i am slowly helping to raise her baby along with my family and fighting to protect her babys life and my cousins,even if i end up stuck back where i lived for months due to money trouble i will do all it takes to bring them back home safely no matter what,despite our misfortune we managed to get some luck in our lives to cherish,because out of even the most misfortune theres always a shed of light guiding me and keeping me strong no matter what hits,and thats what makes being me special,during the process of this i developed a very severe form of PTSD,and i already have mental disabilities on top of this such as Autism,Adhd,Ocd,and tick syndrome,however despite the frequent flashbacks and the nightmares,or sleep terrors i experience since those traumatic events i know that something better always rises ahead of me for me to look fowards too that i can spread my invisible wings high and i can keep moving fowards,despite my story,i can share it to help others who have went through the same situations and let them know that they are not alone and that they are very loved.

🎀Uncover Song:

🎀Rise Up Song:

🎀Nobodys Home Song:


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